Monday, February 20, 2012

Let's give this a try!

Whether it's to pass the time or a way to relax after a long work day, I love to browse through my Google Reader and check out all the art and fashion blogs. I not only get inspiration for my own designs at Dear Friday Jewelry (and soon to be accessories!), but I get a little thrill when discovering great seasonal style ideas, unique color combinations and innovative designs. So I thought why not put together my own lifestyle and design blog as an adjunct to my Pinterest boards, Etsy shop and wordy blog, A Different Approach. My hope is that this one will be less chatty, more focused and easier to update.


First, Rookie. I believe I heard about Rookie while skimming through another blog last summer and after reading it's very entertaining articles accompanied by beautiful photography, was excited to hear about it's increasing popularity. I added it to my Reader immediately. Rookie is a 'webzine' created by 14 year old Tavi Gevinson for teenage girls. Finally, a positive, creativity-driven website for young women! Complete with style and design DIY instructions, realistic tips/articles on facing boys, school, family and friends (or frenemies), and did I mention the inspiring images?? I can't say enough.

See below from today's article "All the Pretty Horses."

Love it.